Preparing part of the garden for cucumbers, We chose this spot because of the fence so they can climb up the fence.
Cucumbers Planted. There are some Burpless, Lemon, and I think that's all.
This box has a Golden Delicious Apple and we planted tomatoes and some well yes, more cucumbers...
In this box is an Avocado that I started from seed, two tomatoes and two cantaloupe.
In this box in the back are Black Beauty Eggplant, middle are red and yellow Bell Peppers.
At the two front corners are Tomatoes, in the front those are Yellow Crookneck Squash. So these above plants pictured were all planted on May 4th.
Another spot in the garden. In the back near the fence is Okra, then in front of that is a squash that I can't remember the name of, friend gave it to me. Then in the front are Heirloom Dragon Egg Cucumbers. These are the end of the May 4th pics.
These next pictures were taken on May 19th Same Apple Tree box.
This box has a Bing Cherry Tree in the middle, and 3 watermelon plants.
May 19th pics of the cucumbers on the fence.
Another view of the fence cucumbers
This is the Apple Box on May 19th.
May 19th, Okra, which are hard to see because of the Squash. Dragon Egg Cucumbers were planted maybe a week after the Squash and Okra.
Another View.
Today May 29th and the rest of the pics are all from today.
Look at that baby Crookneck
Can't even see the Avocado anymore.
Look at this jungle.
Another view
Awe a baby Canteloupe.
Whoo Hoo an Eggplant Blossom
The Watermelons today
Another Crookneck baby
Can you believe this is a Yellow Crookneck Squash Leaf?
Thank you for visiting my garden Tour. More to come.....