Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Judge Grandma Riding Class

Grandma decided she wanted to give the kids a fun riding class at our house. She brought some wine for us and a treat for the kids as their prizes. Picture above is her talking to Shane about the course.

Christopher getting Judging tips from Grandma. I mean Judge Grandma. Grandma is a very knowledgeable show granny. She and Shane's dad showed and bred Arabians for many years a long time ago. Granny has 3 horses of her own. They have it really good, spoiled in fact. 

Grandma Judge loping the course first to show the entrants what she wants them to do. This is after 2 glasses of wine(impressive)

Love horses you can lounge on, don't you?

See, See I told you, wine in hand.

Breanna and Scotch trotting.

My hubby trotting. I don't know if you can tell but my mare is very big, my husband is 6 feet tall and he looks short on her.

I think there is a back up, look at that... traffic in my own back yard.

Christopher and Chex. Chex is my baby. She was a Snafflebit Futurity Finalist in 1990, she was ridden by Carl Gould. She was a 3 year old. I got her when she was 4. I had her for 10 year and then sold her as a broodmare, she was bred to some of the finest Cutting Stallions out there. She was gone for 7 years, then I got the call to see if I wanted her back at 22 years of age. HELL YA I want her back. That was the deal though. When she was done breeding, I had first option to have her return to me. I will have her til her time on earth is over. Now she is my 7 year old sons horse. He loves her very much, we all do.

Judge Granny showing what she wants again.

Horsey butts.

Love my husband and love my mare.

See wine glass, uh huh.

Scotch/Breanna, Chex/Christopher. Oh and Judge.

Chex is like a couch. I used to do this with her.



The Agrarian said...

Looks like every one had a fun time - what a neat idea... so glad you had your camera and shared!

Tracey said...

Thank you Agrarian, it was a really fun time.