This is my newest plant. Not the one pictured. I had to get this off Google Images, mine is not this pretty yet and mine has no flower at this time. It is called a Starfish Flower aka Spapelia grandiflora or Carrion Plant. Here is some information I got off the internet for this beauty.
Stapelia grandiflora is a flowering plant in the Stapelia genus. It is commonly referred to as the Carrion Plant, Starfish Flower, or Starfish Cactus, although it is not related to cacti at all. The name "Carrion Plant" (due to the odor emitted by the flowers as a technique of attracting flies in areas where other pollinating insects are scarce) can also refer to similar Stapelia species as well as members of related genera, including Stapelia gigantea and Orbea variegata. Stapelia grandiflora sometimes also goes by the name of Stapelia flavirostris.
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