Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Son The Photographer

I was out in the yard taking pictures of some stuff, plants, another Praying Mantis and he decided he wanted to be photographer so I said yes, he actually loves to take pictures but they are usually goofy pics that you wouldn't want anyone to see LOL The picture above is my Seedling Mango that I grew from seed.

Here is my 4x8 garden box that I just moved the baby Praying Mantis too, because I had to spray my Vigna Caracalla aka snail vine due to pests. I will show you pics maybe tomorrow.

chicken as you can see

The mantis is upside down in the green stem but he is tan color. see?


Red Banana

Another view of same banana

Plumeria and other stuff.

front of yard

Plant outside of our gate, it is ours  but I have not moved it yet

Alocasia type Elephant Ears

Tiki Pots from my wedding.

some sort of succulant

Pepper bush. Oh they are super hot too.

Yep they are still in the pool LOL

I will have to add to this. Gnight

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