Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Few of the Animals

Have I ever told you we have chickens? lots of chickens?

we have many, many chickens, some are going to be roosters. We don't keep roosters. We have one resident rooster and that is coco. (kids named him when he was a chick)

Not sure of this ones name. Kids named him something, maybe midnight.

Here is Coco.

This is Albino, She is gone now. We got a wild hen with 8 babies and albino tried over and over to kill her. So she has a good home nearby now.

Not sure of this ones name either. They have not been laying very well lately, I have read that bedding is a factor, certainly isn't food, they get everything but the kitchen sink. I am going to get them some straw.

Here are the lazy ranch dogs in the house, they wanted to be in the air conditioning, can't blame them for that. I should video the stampede to get into the house when it is hot, it's every dog for themselves.

Time to go outside and pee pee.

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