Monday, July 23, 2012

Garden Update

Garden update. My garden is struggling in this heat. This is my okra, dragon egg cucumber, and lemon squash spot. Dragon eggs seemed to have been murdered by the lemon squash. Oh well try again next year.

Pathetic huh? They are screaming for water. Yes I gave it too them LOL

How cute is this. This is an okra flower. YEP. 

Okra is in the Mallow family, and is a pretty little flower.

Here are my overgrown tomatoes, that is a 4'x8' box but you can't tell.

My double purple datura is getting very big and has seed pods all over it. I am thinking of selling seeds from it.

This WAS my black beauty eggplant before the RAT!!!!!!! little bastardo. look what it did to my future eggplant parmesan!!

These are my yellow pear tomatoes getting ready to explode with little yellow beauties.

My yellow crookneck squash is suffering powdery mildew. It is struggling now.

view from the other side of the 4'x8' box

how cute are all the tomato babies.

I can't wait to eat them all, but it will be over the winter, I will freeze tomatoes because I will have too many to eat at once.

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